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Dance Dynamics Policies and Parent Agreement



-Tuition is due at the first class of every month. Starting September 2022, a late fee will be added to accounts that are not paid by the 15th of each month. This charge is $10.00. THIS FEE WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE ADDED AFTER THE 15TH OF THE MONTH. Late fees do not go away until they are paid. If a late fee is not paid with late tuition it will roll over to the next month until paid. You will be emailed or given a late tuition statement when your payment is considered late. Any fees that are not paid before recital rehearsal may result in a dancer or tumbler not being able to participate in our end of the year recital. in addition, you must pay the full balance on your monthly tuition regardless of how many class times your dancer attends per month. (Tuition is NOT pay per class time.)  If a class is cancelled due to weather or teacher illness, we will offer a make up day. We do NOT pro-rate tuition or offer make ups for holidays or individual student absences. Your monthly tuition rate does not include holiday classes.


-Dance Dynamics accepts Cash, Check or Credit/Debit Card payments. For Cash or Check payments, please use the drop box located at the lobby desk. For debit or credit card payments, please fill out the debit/credit card payment sheet and return it to the studio. An invoice will be sent via email so that you can pay online. 


-NO fees will be refunded for services rendered by Dance Dynamics or affiliates for any reason.


-ALL fees must be paid before recital rehearsal. If you are not current on your student’s fee payments, your dancer may not participate in recital or register for the following year. 



-OBSERVATION WINDOWS will be open on observation weeks ONLY, once per semester. (Please see our important dates calendar for those dates.) 



-Before dropping or withdrawing from a class, Dance Dynamics will need this in writing. We ask that you fill out a withdrawal form. This form states that your dancer will no longer be participating in the class being dropped or our end of the year recital with that class. No fees are due for withdrawing but any services that have been rendered will NOT be refunded. Students who withdraw from class and have paid for costumes will only be refunded if costumes have NOT been ordered. If costumes have been ordered prior to withdrawal, no refunds will be made. You will be notified when you can pick up that costume. 



-Your student’s full costume/recital fee balance is due no later than November 9th. Balances and payment break down will be issued to each student the third week of September. All recital costume payments must be paid BEFORE we place our order at the end of November, as well as recital fee. Please be aware that NO dancer or tumbler participating in our recital can perform without their class costume. We will notify you when balances on costumes are due. No costume payments will be refunded for any reason. Dance Dynamics holds costume sizing day for parents to choose their dancer’s costume sizes. If you are not present, your costume sizes will be chosen by Dance Dynamics staff. Dance Dynamics is NOT responsible for the payment of alterations or any fees resulting in a costume not fitting. Exchanges can be made. If an exchange must be made, you will be charged Dance Dynamics’ costume exchange fee of $55.00, per costume. This fee covers exchange shipping (both ways), restocking fee charged by the costume company and Dance Dynamics office fees. Any costume discrepancies/exchanges must be made 7 days after your costumes are sent home with your student. We will not be able to exchange after that seven day period. WE CANNOT RETURN COSTUMES for refunds for ANY REASON. Exchanges only. 



-If more than two class times are missed during the months of March-May, your dancer will not be able to participate in our end of the year recital. Stage rehearsals are mandatory for ALL students. You must pay the full balance on your monthly tuition regardless of how many class times your dancer attends per month.  (Make-up class times are not scheduled for individual student absences.)



-Please make sure your dancer adheres to the studio dress code. Proper leotards, shoes and tights are required for each class. NO OLD RECITAL COSTUMES, DRESS UP COSTUMES, socks, t-shirts or blue jeans may be worn during a class at any time. You can find our attire list at the lobby desk. 



 -To be pictured in our end of the year program book for recital, students must have their picture taken by our studio photographer AND purchase an advertisement for our recital program book.



-Dance Dynamics will contact parents through monthly newsletters, social media,  email and our BAND app page. Keeping up with studio announcements and  events is up to each parent. Please STAY UP TO DATE! If you need to reach the studio, the studio phone is (601)-749-1398 (call or text) and email is All emails, texts and phone calls will be answered MONDAY-FRIDAY during business/class hours.


-Pictures that are taken during classes are showcased on our website and social media. 


-By signing your student’s registration form you agree that you have read and understand our policies and parent agreement FULLY.



2534 Old Hwy 24

Hattiesburg, MS 39402




Tel: (601)749-1398 




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